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Rosie Pease

author : Rosie Pease

Rosie Pease is a native Rhode Islander but has lived in Vermont, New York, and Ohio. She uses the places she’s traveled to as inspiration for the settings of her cozy mysteries, pulling the theater from one, the cider mill from another, the river from another to create a fictitious town that feels familiar.\n\nShe collects Funko Pops of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Doctor Who, DC TV, and Marvel variety, with a few others thrown in for fun. Her desk is a mess, but she can find everything on it, so it works for her.\n\nWhen she’s not writing, she’s playing with her daughter, hanging out with her husband, or being amused by her two crazy cats. \n\nFollow her on social media, @WriteRosiePease

Rosie Pease Book Series